Carmen Rose King
It is a beautiful name.
It is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Carmen is my really good friend.
She is a girlfriend of my really good friend Lars.
I am thankful for her for teaching me so many things about life.
I am tankful for Lars for finding her so she became a part of my life too.
I know Lars for about 7 years. Carmen and I only know each other for 2 years in Seattle, then she and Lars moved to Buenos Aires a year ago. She left Seattle on April 29th of 2012. It was a sunny day and she was wearing a light yellow dress with ivory cardigan. We were laughing while walking down the street with her suitcase down to Arabica with Lars. 1/3 of the time we are friends, she lives far away but I feel strongly connected to her. She taught me so many things in such short time.
What she taught me:
1. Hot yoga! I go there intensively since the first time she took me at Sweatbox. It's one of the best thing happened to me in life. Built the habit of exercise.
2. The world of Essential oil and 100% natural DIY detergent: I am obsessed with them
3. How to be eco, and how to be non-ego
4. How to find fun in little things and think life is good because we are laughing
5. How to have small projects that makes us happy and be excited about them
6. How to enjoy and appreciate the moment
7. How to be natural beauty
9. How to not react so much and stay calm when someone is having a traumatic experience
10. Pomegranate salad
11. Candles and flowers
12. How to spoil the loved ones
There are more. When someone is a good friend to you, a lot of things remind you of him/her. That is how much impact they gave you. And those are things that are priceless in life. And I hope to be one for my friends someday.
Carmen told me once before that she loves Lars so much that makes her cry just by thinking of him. I kind of feel the same way about her and I hope it's not too much....!!!
If there's all the money and time of the world, I will come see her tomorrow. Since there is never the perfect time for anything, I know I will find a way to her somehow.
I love Carmen so much. So here I wrote a mini blog post.
Loves to my friends.